Yesterday morning, continuing downpour from the other day was not showing any signs of stopping. Walking out of my house with two large garment bags, each filled with 3 to 4 garments, I was slightly worried about the photo shoot I had organised with my fellow designer from AAD Lisa. We were supposed to have a location shoot around the botanical gardens for more edgy editorial images and then move on to more garment-focused studio shoot at PSC studio where the photographer of the day, Tommy used to study. It was my first experience of what the other photographers always used to tell me about, when you organise a location shoot, no matter how fine the weather was before hand, it will be raining or freezing or scorching or all of the above. I have been involved in quite a few photo shoots before but this was the first time that I organised it myself (I was usually contacted by a photographer who already had everything organised including model, hair and make up artist and etc). I had to look for the photographer, the model and the hair and make up artist and I was extremely grateful for all of them because it was a TFP shoot. Anyway, feeling slightly guilty for the weather and more so because I was 30 minuted late, I walked into the studio with Lisa who came out to the Arts Centre to pick me up because I was lost. I couldn't believe that everything came together in the end. There was no last minute cancellation or extreme lateness (except for myself) and everyone was available for the whole day. The model, the hair and make up artist, the photographer and his assistant were all there doing their things to get ready for the shoot, Tommy and his assistant was setting up the lighting equipments and getting the screens ready and Anthony the hair and make up extraordinaire was working on Sian the model from Camerons Modeling Agency's hair. The shoot started at 11am, with my Marie Antoinette-inspired coat dress with apron and ruffled neckpiece. It is always so exciting to see your creation come to life and there is always something very special about seeing everyone's own interpretation of my work and see their viion realised as well as mine. the shoot was wrapped up around 4 pm, and I was glad that I took the day off from work because everybody felt completely drained afterwards. For me, it was a great incentive and motivational boost, my body may have been tired, but my mind was so invigorated.

First look of the day, it is my personal belief that the models have the hardest job in a shoot. Although it was still raining, inside of the studio was quite warm. Sian had to wear my heavy coat dress in front of a burning light equipments in high heels but being a wonderfully professional model that she is, Sian never showed any signs of boredom, fatigue or lack of interest and maintained her willingness throughout the 7 hours photo shoot.

A hazy teaser of my favourite look of the day. This was the garment I was most worried about, I wasn't sure about the fit and I wasn't sure about the proportion because it was very long but ended up being most beautiful look of mine. The evening gown fitted Sian like a glove and the proportions od the long fringe details just worked, creating very elegantly long, lean and stremlined silhouette. This is why I love tall models,
any proportion will work :D

The barbie doll look. I really loved the hair, which reminded me of Old Hollywood Ingenues. I was so grateful for all the shoes Lisa brought to the shoot because I didn't bring any (not that I had any fashionable women's shoes). Although we never discussed the shoes, what Lisa brought complemented my looks.

Unlike the models, designers have the easiest job at a photo shoot. We just dress the models and occasionally puff out any wrong folds and etc,,,

Hair and Make up artist Anthony Hungerford showed amazing creativity and versatility by redoing the hair and make up for each of the looks. They all looked very different from one another but still cohesive.
