Today I went to Chadstone to check out new season arrivals at the designer label boutique in Chadstone shopping centre. I went to Chanel, Ralph Lauren, Miu Miy, Prada, Burberry and Louis Vuitton and spend hours looking at their new stuff. I find it really helpful to be able to actually see, feel and touch the clothes I've seen on the runway videos. I learn a lot just exploring those quality garments. I spent most of my time at Chanel boutique because they had beautiful jackets and coats with very interesting construction, I take them off the rack, turn it inside out, hoping to get a glimpse of the techniques used to put together each garments. Since Chanel stuff is so expansive, when you start to have a look at the garments, you will notice security people moving closer to you, which is very very annoying but it's still good because there is no arrogant sales assistants who give you the condescending look like at the Bourke St boutique.
Other thing I like about these boutiques is the fact that the sales assistants look so good. Staff at Ralph Lauren is always dressed well, sometimes it's hard to distinguish between the customers and the staff because they are dressed in casual Ralph Lauren clothes but I think it's way better than the uniforms they wear at chanel with little fanny bag around their waist. I especially love male assistants at Ralph Lauren, they are always dressed in preppy Ralph Lauren with bow ties. I would not mind wearing what they wear to go out.
I don't think you are allowed to take pictures of displayed garments, but when I saw this at the Ralph Lauren boutique, I had to take a photo and write about it on my blog. It's a knitted cardigan with ruffles cascading elegantly. I love Chanel but if I were a mega rich lady, I would buy all my everyday clothes from Ralph Lauren. They are so elegant and luxurious, yet very practical.
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